Duotone Cyanotype
I recently purchased Annette Golaz’s book, “Cyanotype Toning: Using Botanicals to Tone Blueprints Naturally” (Amazon link). It has been a bit mind blowing realizing how many toning options there are for cyanotypes!! She also has a chapter in her book on making Tri Color Cyanotypes. As she describes in her book, this is essentially “printing and toning three different layers of cyanotype on top of each other”.
The first image in that chapter is a beach scene, with the “yellow” of the sand and the blue of the sky as the main colors in the photo. I decided to start this multi color process with a similar image because it seemed easier to start with two rather than three colors. Also, on page 116 of her book, she describes the process of just using two of the tricolor negatives to print yellow and blue…..and I didn’t have anything to use as a toner to make red anyway.
As a photographer who prefers to shoot in black and white, the realization that I’d have to shoot color in order to do tri color cyanotypes was a bit of a shock. But now I’m a bit intrigued to see what I can do with the process…..and actually shot some color film yesterday with the tricolor process in mind.
As you can see, the image above is mostly blue and yellow. The first step is to increase the saturation of the original image.
Next up was making the Tricolor negatives, also page 114. First comes inverting the color image.
Then making the tricolor negatives for each color channel.
Page 116 of her book describes the making of the tricolor print. Since I was only using two colors, I skipped the first part where the Magenta negative is used.
If you read this far, thank you! I’m always open to questions about anything I do. Feel free to use the Contact Form if you’d like to reach out with a question.